The dinner was excellent: gently seared tuna and succulent crab cakes. The symposium was not as enjoyable, but still, this was a good start to my stay in Philadelphia. I had flown in that morning for the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, my first experience at such a large conference. My room for the week was at a decidedly seedy motel in Bucks County, about an hour away from the city. I looked...
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The gray-haired Irishman walks around the wards quietly, avoiding eye contact. He touches the walls, as if to reassure himself of the world around him. He says very little, and the little that he says I find difficult to understand. I have been in England for only a month, and I assume it is his Irish brogue that I find difficult to follow. The consultant psychiatrist I am working with tells me otherwise. “It’s...
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